Kamis, 23 April 2015


“Be Smart Investor With Capital Market As A Choice  Of Investment”

Seminar on Investor is the second seminar that I attended on Monday, November 24th, 2014 this. This seminar on starting at 13:00 to 17:00. In this seminar discussed how investment and economic prospects in Indonesia.

            In Indonesia there are many types of companies engaged in diverse fields. There are many agencies that investigate on how the shape and the level of consumption of Indonesian society.
Indonesian people are very inclined towards the consumer and also very consumptive in terms of gadgets and smartphones. In this seminar also explained how an investment activity is an activity that is very profitable and worth a try by the younger generation and also Indonesian students.

            There are many figures who invest investment and it makes a lot of influence, such as Coca-Cola company that was once a very small, but decades ago after someone billionaires invest in Coca Cola, Coca Cola soft drink company is now a very large and spread across the World.

            Then this seminar also discussed how in the Student Investment embodiment, namely the gallery Investment in the university environment. Although the university environment Gunadarma no such investment gallery, but it is worth a try. Because of the level of investment in learning among students Gunadarma so great.
This seminar provides many benefits, may presumably BEM FE UG more frequently conducts seminars that are beneficial to students Gunadarma.

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